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Top 10 Cleaning Hacks for Filipino Homes

Top 10 Cleaning Hacks for Filipino Homes

Maintaining a clean and tidy home is a universal goal for many, but in the Philippines, where homes are often bustling with activity and family gatherings, keeping things spick and span can sometimes feel like a never-ending task. However, fear not! With a few clever cleaning hacks tailored to the Filipino household, you can efficiently tackle messes and ensure your home stays pristine without spending hours on end. In this blog post, we'll explore the top 10 cleaning hacks specifically designed for Filipino homes, helping you achieve cleanliness with ease.

  1. Vinegar and Calamansi for Sparkling Surfaces: Vinegar and calamansi (Philippine lime) are two potent cleaning agents readily available in Filipino homes. Mix equal amounts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle, then add a few drops of calamansi juice for a refreshing scent. This natural solution works wonders on countertops, sinks, and kitchen appliances, leaving them sparkling clean and free of bacteria.

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  1. Baking Soda for Odor Elimination: Odors can quickly accumulate, especially in humid climates like the Philippines. Baking soda is a versatile odor eliminator that can be sprinkled on carpets, upholstery, and even inside shoes to neutralize unwanted smells. For a refreshing scent, mix baking soda with a few drops of your favorite essential oil before sprinkling.

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  1. Lemon Rinds for Garbage Disposal Deodorizing: Garbage disposals can develop unpleasant odors over time. Instead of resorting to harsh chemicals, toss a few lemon rinds down the disposal and run it with cold water. The citrus oils in the rinds will freshen up the disposal and leave your kitchen smelling clean and citrusy.


  1. Rice Water for Cleaning Glassware: After rinsing rice, don't discard the water just yet! Rice water, or "hugas bigas" in Filipino, can be used to clean glassware and remove stubborn stains. Simply soak glassware in rice water for a few hours before washing as usual. The natural enzymes in rice water help break down grease and grime, leaving your glassware sparkling.


  1. Coconut Oil for Wood Furniture Maintenance: Coconut oil is a staple ingredient in Filipino households, and it's not just for cooking! Use a small amount of coconut oil on a soft cloth to polish and condition wooden furniture. Not only does coconut oil impart a natural shine, but it also helps protect the wood from drying out and cracking.

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  1. Vinegar and Fabric Softener for Fresh Laundry: Achieving fresh and soft laundry doesn't have to break the bank. Instead of using expensive fabric softeners, mix equal parts vinegar and water with a few drops of your favorite fabric softener. Add this solution to the rinse cycle to soften clothes and eliminate any lingering odors.


  1. Salt and Ice for Cleaning Cast Iron: Cast iron pans are a staple in many Filipino kitchens, but they require special care to maintain their seasoning. To clean stuck-on food without damaging the seasoning, sprinkle coarse salt onto the pan and scrub with a paper towel or sponge. For stubborn residue, add ice cubes to the pan to harden the residue before scraping it off.


  1. Vinegar and Baking Soda for Clogged Drains: Clogged drains are a common issue in many households, but you don't need harsh chemicals to unclog them. Instead, pour a mixture of vinegar and baking soda down the drain, followed by hot water. The fizzing action of the baking soda combined with the acidic properties of vinegar helps break down clogs and keep drains flowing smoothly.


  1. Pandan Leaves for Natural Air Freshening: Pandan leaves, with their sweet and aromatic scent, are not only used in cooking but also make excellent natural air fresheners. Simply tie a few pandan leaves together and place them around your home to impart a fresh and inviting fragrance.


  1. Bay Leaves for Warding Off Insects: Insects can be a nuisance, especially during the rainy season. Place dried bay leaves in pantry shelves, drawers, and other areas prone to insect infestations. The natural oils in bay leaves act as a repellent, helping keep pests at bay without the need for chemical insecticides.

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Keeping a clean and tidy home in the Philippines doesn't have to be a daunting task, thanks to these 10 cleaning hacks tailored specifically for Filipino households. By utilizing readily available ingredients and incorporating natural cleaning methods, you can maintain a clean and inviting living space for you and your family. Whether you're tackling kitchen messes, freshening up laundry, or keeping pests at bay, these hacks will help you achieve cleanliness with ease, allowing you to spend less time cleaning and more time enjoying your home.



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